A Scottish university has been given £1m to produce the first complete scholarly edition of the works of
Robert Burns. Glasgow University's Centre for Robert Burns Studies will publish six volumes over the next eight years, with another six to follow in the next decade. They will include The Oxford Handbook to Robert Burns and The Collected Prose of Robert Burns. The work will be funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The £1m award follows an Oxford University Press (OUP) contract which the university secured two years ago to produce the work. The project - Editing Robert Burns for the 21st Century - will involve a team of five literary scholars at Glasgow led by Dr Gerry Carruthers, a leading international Burns expert. Dr Carruthers said the project marked "a seismic shift" in Burns studies. He said: "We now have the platform to assert Burns's status as a major Romantic-period artist alongside the likes of William Wordsworth and John Keats." - BBC
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