The longlist for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2010, the award for a first novel published in the UK, has been announced:
* The Upright Piano Player by David Abbott (MacLehose Press, Quercus)
* Before the Earthquake by Maria Allen (Tindal Street Press)
* The Hungry Ghostsby Anne Berry (Blue Door)
* Rupture by Simon Lelic (Picador)
* The Shadow of a Smileby Kachi A. Ozumba (Alma Books)
* Talk of the Town by Jacob Polley (Picador)
* The Breaking of Eggs by Jim Powell (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
* Designs for a Happy Home by Matthew Reynolds (Bloomsbury)
* Beauty by Raphael Selbourne (Tindal Street Press)
* The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)