The six books shortlisted by the judges are:
* What the nose knows: The science of scent in everyday life by Avery Gilbert (Crown Publishers)
* Bad science by Ben Goldacre (Harper Perennial)
* The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic generation discovered the beauty and terror of science by Richard Holmes (HarperPress)
* Decoding the heavens: Solving the mystery of the world's first computer by Jo Marchant (William Heinemann)
* The drunkard's walk: How randomness rules our lives by Leonard Mlodinow (Penguin)
* Your inner fish: The amazing discovery of our 375-million-year-old ancestor by Neil Shubin (Penguin)
The winner will be announced at an event at the Royal Society on 15 September 2009 and awarded £10,000. The authors of each shortlisted book will receive £1000